Doctorate studies in Education and Leadership. New Mexico State U., USA. 1995. Dissertation Title "Perception of Faculty for the Use of Technology in Higher Education" Manchester College, a Case Study.
M.B.S. in Behavioral Studies, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, USA 6/86
BA in Language, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 6/1980
22/8/2007-Present University professor/ Head of Academic Advising Unit.
Ajman University, UAE.
Teaching behavioral courses (in English language). Overseeing the Orientation courses.
1/7/2005-30/7/2007 Director, Center of Excellence & Development
Kingdom Schools, Riyadh-KSA
Found & developed the center. Taking over a leadership role in the schools. Conducted several research projects. Overseeing the Schools international accreditation processes by CITA.
2/2004-6/2005 Managing Director & Training Consultant --Saudi British Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Supervised all of the educational training and development aspects for the centres' 14 branches (policies and strategies). Conducted several research studies in business, educational, and developmental issues.
4/2000-1/2004 Director, Pal. Institute for H.R. Development.
Found & Developed the institute. Carry out the responsibility for leading and directing the institute’s activities to achieve its mission. Conducted several research projects in educational, business, management & capacity building issues.
1/98-5/2000 Consultant/Trainer
TEAM International (throughout the Middle East)
Planned, developed, and implemented training programs and consultation activities in educational, management skills, business development, and social programs.
4/1998-3/2000 Supervisor/Professor
City University-London, UK
Supervised several MMBA students through the University program in the Middle East.
8/97-1/99 Ministry of Higher Education, Palestine.
Director, Department of Licensing an Accreditation
Found & developed the department. Built up and implemented a system of academic programs' assessment and accreditation (policies and strategies) to ensure effectiveness in the system-wide operations and quality among colleges, and universities.
1/98-6/2000 Professor/Academic Supervisor
Bretton Hall College, University of Leeds-- UK
Taught and supervised graduate and undergraduate students in education and administration under the Middle East program in cooperation with Jerusalem College. .
1/1995-7/1997 Manchester College, USA
Prof. of psychology and counseling education. Coordinated between the college learning center (student services unite) and the social sciences division.
Assistant to the Dean off academic affairs.
9/1989-1/1995 N M State University, USA
Instructor of education, department of Curriculum & Instruction. Also students teachers' supervisor.
1/1989-1/1995 El Paso College, USA
Taught psychology, career and educational counseling courses. Coordinating students counseling and progress activities.
8/85-5/86 Southeastern Oklahoma State University, USA
Academic supervisor and counselor for undergraduate students.
1/82-8/84 Teacher, Ministry of Education
Taught language at high school level.
News/Press flashes & appearances: More than 80 times in several newspapers, journals, radios, and TV events. (will be provided when requested).
Awards: A large number of awards including: . (will be provided when requested).
“The Out Standing Teaching Award” for 2 years back-to-back, from El-Paso College, USA.
Honorary Graduation guest at City University, London. Honorary guest to Singapore.
Projects: more than 50 projects in the areas of education, capacity building, social issues, management & leadership, and others. . (will be provided when requested).
Publications: More than 20 research projects. (will be provided when requested).
Training: Developed and conducted more than 100 training workshops in management & leadership, capacity building, education, and counseling